Entrance of the Virtual Gallery Wing where you will find information relating to the graphic works - the prints - ranging from the earlist images from the 1960s;
Works on paper including drawings, the 2 dimensional Transformaers and works that stem from that period;
Paintings ranging from the earliest geometric hard edge works of the 1960s to the softer works of the 1970s and the  more recent works.

Of particular interest are the shaped canvases many of which overlap with the sculptural works. Some of htese paintins are included in both Wings of this Virtual Gallery.

When you are ready you may want to check out one of the other galleries. Just click the appropriate button below.

library & research material
2D works
Medium Specific Gallery Wing artist's  Commentary






Early Prints (1965 to 67)

Early Photo Prints (1967 to 76)

Long Photo Prints (1972 to 75)

Geometric and Abstract Prints (1968 to 72)

Measurement and Performance Prints (1976 to 95)

Digital Prints (1997 to the present)

Notes from the Solstice Voyeur (1975 to– 2005)


These graphic works provided me in the 1960s the opportunity to    explore a range of ideas in a very short space of time. The early printsare silkscreen created in a section of a garage space in Downer, Canberra.
Later I mastered the photographic transfer system and was able to incorporate these into a series of silkscreen prints in the 1970s.
Later the advent of the digital medium and in particular the availability of photo shop opened a whole new world which I was able to take advantage of.
When my work embraced performance and an exploration of boundaries between for example the sea and the earth, the printed image gave me the opportunity to generate new aspects on those performances.






First Works 1950s

the Geometric and Abstract Paintings (1966 to 74)

Painted Sculptural Works

The (2 dimensional on paper) Transformers

Proposals (basically painted maquettes)

Global Works on canvas


Drawings and Works on Paper








Early Drawings and Monoprints

San Andreas Drawings (1981 to 82)

the Transformers (2 Dimensional on paper}.

Click HERE to visit the 3 Dimensiona Transformers Virtual Gallery.

For all sales enquiries please contact Charles Nodrum Gallery at gallery@charlesnodrumgallery.com.au


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